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Women’s Health: Experts Discuss Gynecologic Cancers and Breast Cancer Podcast

Women’s Health: Experts Discuss Gynecologic Cancers and Breast Cancer

Join John Diaz M.D., Chief of Gynecologic Oncology and Starr Mautner M.D., Breast Surgical Oncologist, as they discuss women's health concerns, preventative screenings, surgical approaches, and innovative treatments offered at Miami Cancer Institute.
Identifying, Treating Hypertension During Pregnancy, Postpartum Can Reduce Maternal Mortality, Study Finds News

Identifying, Treating Hypertension During Pregnancy, Postpartum Can Reduce Maternal Mortality, Study Finds

Addressing high blood pressure during and after pregnancy can significantly reduce maternal mortality rates and improve women's heart health even after child-bearing years, according to insights gained from a longitudinal study of pregnant women.
Multiple Sclerosis: Advances in Therapies, Research Can Slow MS Progression and Potentially Prevent Disease News

Multiple Sclerosis: Advances in Therapies, Research Can Slow MS Progression and Potentially Prevent Disease

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the brain and spinal cord, disrupting a vital communications network. In the worst cases, it can bring partial or complete paralysis.
Study by Miami Cancer Institute Physician Researchers Promises to Change Way Metastatic Brain Cancer is Treated News

Study by Miami Cancer Institute Physician Researchers Promises to Change Way Metastatic Brain Cancer is Treated

For patients with cancer that has metastasized to the brain, the standard treatment for years has been to resect, or surgically remove, the lesion and follow that with radiation therapy (RT) to the whole brain, which prevents relapse by destroying any remaining cancer cells.
Study Shows iTSA Surgery Improves Function, Reduces Pain Among Patients with Advanced Glenohumeral Arthritis News

Study Shows iTSA Surgery Improves Function, Reduces Pain Among Patients with Advanced Glenohumeral Arthritis

Baptist Health Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute found anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty with a nonspherical humeral head and inlay glenoid replacement results in improved function and less pain for patients with advanced glenohumeral arthritis.
Switching from Alteplase to Tenecteplase for the Treatment of Ischemic Stroke News

Switching from Alteplase to Tenecteplase for the Treatment of Ischemic Stroke

Baptist Health’s Miami Neuroscience Institute and Marcus Neuroscience Institute, a part of Baptist Health South Florida, have switched from using alteplase to tenecteplase as their first-line clot-busting treatment for patients with acute ischemic stroke.
The Latest on the Landmark Miami Heart Study Podcast

The Latest on the Landmark Miami Heart Study

Jonathan Fialkow, M.D., deputy medical director of MCVI, who is the senior author of the study, and Khurran Nasir, M.D., chief of Cardiovascular Prevention and Wellness Division of Houston Methodist Hospital, who is MiHeart’s principal investigator.
Baptist Health Foundation Receives $3M Gift to Establish Endowed Chair at Miami Neuroscience Institute News

Baptist Health Foundation Receives $3M Gift to Establish Endowed Chair at Miami Neuroscience Institute

Baptist Health Foundation announced today that it has received a $3 million donation that has been designated to establish the first endowed chair at Baptist Health’s Miami Neuroscience Institute.
Sports Cardiology: Advances in Diagnosing, Treating the Most Athletic Among Us News

Sports Cardiology: Advances in Diagnosing, Treating the Most Athletic Among Us

Sports cardiology is advancing quite rapidly, covering the specialized care of both professional and amateur athletes — and the very athletic person who is absolutely committed to running, cycling or other physically challenging and recurring activity.
Patient Safety and Comfort Drive Shift in Arterial Access News

Patient Safety and Comfort Drive Shift in Arterial Access

For neurointerventional radiology procedures, arterial access is critical. The femoral artery has long been the go-to access point. But, say doctors at Marcus Neuroscience Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital, a part of Baptist Health South Florida, radial access may be better for many patients.
Baptist Health’s Miami Cancer Institute named as 2022 Recipient of Warren E. Weaver/Richard P. Penna Award News

Baptist Health’s Miami Cancer Institute named as 2022 Recipient of Warren E. Weaver/Richard P. Penna Award

The Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) is pleased to announce the two Warren E. Weaver/Richard P. Penna award winners in the patient care organization and individual category. Baptist Health’s Miami Cancer Institute Pharmacy Program in Miami, FL has been named the 2022 recipient of the Warren E. Weaver/Richard P. Penna Award in the organization category.
Beating the Odds: Pancreatic Cancer Survivor is Living Life to the Fullest News

Beating the Odds: Pancreatic Cancer Survivor is Living Life to the Fullest

At the start of 2019, Bob Dickinson got a diagnosis no one wants - pancreatic cancer. Until very recently, pancreatic cancer cases rarely have had a happy ending, with a traditionally quoted survival rate of just 10 percent. But Mr. Dickinson says he was determined to “make lemonade out of lemons” and was prepared to travel anywhere in the country for the best care.

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