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Baptist Health’s Miami Cancer Institute Brings World-Class Cancer Care to Broward News

Baptist Health’s Miami Cancer Institute Brings World-Class Cancer Care to Broward

Many of the innovative cancer-fighting therapies that have placed Baptist Health’s Miami Cancer Institute among Florida’s top cancer programs since its founding just four years ago are now available to cancer patients in Broward County, according to Michael J. Zinner, M.D., the institute’s founding CEO and executive medical director.
Two Leading Organizations Come Together for Better Cancer Care News

Two Leading Organizations Come Together for Better Cancer Care

With 11 hospitals, more than 4,000 physicians and internationally renowned centers of excellence in cancer, cardiovascular care, orthopedics and sports medicine, and neurosciences, Baptist Health South Florida is the largest healthcare organization in the region. Physicians are accustomed to working with healthcare providers throughout Florida, the United States and abroad.
Global Expertise Comes to Miami News

Global Expertise Comes to Miami

New Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute surgery chief pioneered a life-changing coronary bypass technique.
Chordoma: Latest in Surgical and Radiotherapy Options Podcast

Chordoma: Latest in Surgical and Radiotherapy Options

Join Michael McDermott, M.D., neurosurgeon and chief medical executive of Miami Neuroscience Institute and Minesh Mehta, M.D., deputy director and chief of radiation oncology at Miami Cancer Institute as they discuss chordoma, a rare type of cancer that occur in the bones of the skull base and spine.
Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute is First to Implant 3-D Printed ‘Graft Cage’ to Heal Long Bone Injury News

Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute is First to Implant 3-D Printed ‘Graft Cage’ to Heal Long Bone Injury

So-called “long bone injuries” — most likely the result of a traumatic impact commonly seen in vehicular accidents — can be a challenge for surgeons attempting to achieve proper healing of the bone and soft tissues.
Image-Guiding Software Advances Heart Valve, Cath Lab Procedures News

Image-Guiding Software Advances Heart Valve, Cath Lab Procedures

An increasing number of patients at Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute with structural heart disease can be treated with the latest trans-catheter (non-surgical) techniques, thanks in part to the growing number of suitable devices.
Baptist Health Doctors Co-Develop Azurion with FlexArm Imaging Technology News

Baptist Health Doctors Co-Develop Azurion with FlexArm Imaging Technology

Known worldwide as an innovative leader in cardiovascular procedures and technology, Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute recently unveiled Azurion with FlexArm: a new advance in imaging technology designed to make it easier for doctors to perform image guided procedures for heart and vascular disease.
Miami Cancer Institute Researchers Pivot to Fight COVID-19 News

Miami Cancer Institute Researchers Pivot to Fight COVID-19

Physician scientists at Miami Cancer Institute are leveraging their research expertise and clinical technology to develop novel treatments for COVID-19. Jump-starting new studies in a matter of weeks, these researchers are now evaluating the effectiveness of existing cancer drugs, umbilical cord blood and convalescent plasma, among other therapies, against the coronavirus.
COVID Vaccines: Ask The Experts with Dr. Anthony Fauci Video

COVID Vaccines: Ask The Experts with Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci and a panel of public health experts gathered live to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida and answer questions about the vaccines.
Athletes & Heart Health: A Different Breed Podcast

Athletes & Heart Health: A Different Breed

Think athletic people are immune from cardiac issues because they work out all the time? Think again.
HiFu: A Game-Changing Treatment for Essential Tremor Podcast

HiFu: A Game-Changing Treatment for Essential Tremor

Essential tremor is a movement disorder, most commonly affecting the hands, that makes daily tasks like eating, writing or shaving incredibly challenging for an estimated 10 million Americans.
New Procedure Provides Relief for Thousands of Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Radiation Therapy News

New Procedure Provides Relief for Thousands of Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Radiation Therapy

Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men, with more than 190,000 new cases diagnosed each year, according to the American Cancer Society. And each year, more than 60,000 American men opt to have their localized prostate cancer treated with high-dose radiation therapy.

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