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Milestone 1000th Patient Treated Using Gamma Knife at Miami Cancer Institute News

Milestone 1000th Patient Treated Using Gamma Knife at Miami Cancer Institute

Leading the fight against brain metastases, Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute hit a new milestone recently. The center treated its 1000th patient using Gamma Knife radiosurgery, an incisionless radiation therapy that precisely targets a tumor, importantly minimizing damage to otherwise healthy brain tissue.
New Class of Drugs Show Promise in Treating Recurrent Cervical Cancer News

New Class of Drugs Show Promise in Treating Recurrent Cervical Cancer

With a poor prognosis for many patients with relapsing gynecological cancers ? particularly for those who received conventional treatment only ? gynecological oncologists are on the search for novel therapies.
With a Focus on Advancing Cancer Treatments, Researchers With Baptist Health Cancer Care Focus on Trials Benefiting Patients News

With a Focus on Advancing Cancer Treatments, Researchers With Baptist Health Cancer Care Focus on Trials Benefiting Patients

From a deep dive into genetic mutations to studies using novel therapies, physician-investigators at Miami Cancer Institute and Lynn Cancer Institute, part of Baptist Health Cancer Care, are conducting important leading edge research to advance cancer care.
Experts Clarify the Growing Links Between Cardiovascular Disease and Dementia News

Experts Clarify the Growing Links Between Cardiovascular Disease and Dementia

Research continues to indicate that problems with the vascular system — the heart and blood vessels that supply blood to the brain — can contribute to the development of dementia.
Preventing Fractures in the Bone Mets Population News

Preventing Fractures in the Bone Mets Population

Preventing fractures in patients with bone metastasis improves mobility and quality of life ? and for some, it means prolonged survival as well, according to recent studies. While not all cancer patients have access to an orthopedic oncologic specialist, it’s important that medical and radiation oncologists prioritize the referral of those with bone mets for a skeletal evaluation early in their diagnosis, says Juan Pretell, M.D., chief of musculoskeletal oncology surgery at Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute.
Speaking from the Hip: A Discussion on Orthopedic Care Video

Speaking from the Hip: A Discussion on Orthopedic Care

Orthopedic Surgeons John Uribe, M.D. and Anthony Miniaci, M.D., Chief Medical Executive and Deputy Chief Medical Executive respectively, sit down and talk all things Orthopedic Care on this episode of Speaking from the Hip, brought to you by Baptist Health Orthopedic Care.
Is Earlier Better? PROMISSeD Trial Explores Early Radiation Therapy as a Prophylactic Treatment for Patients With High-risk Spine Metastases News

Is Earlier Better? PROMISSeD Trial Explores Early Radiation Therapy as a Prophylactic Treatment for Patients With High-risk Spine Metastases

A research team at Baptist Health South Florida recently began enrollment in a randomized-controlled clinical trial exploring early radiation therapy as a prophylactic treatment for patients with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic high-risk metastatic disease to the spine.
New Brain-Mapping Tech at Baptist Health Miami Neuroscience Institute Provides Most Detailed Imaging Video

New Brain-Mapping Tech at Baptist Health Miami Neuroscience Institute Provides Most Detailed Imaging

Hear from Dr. McDermott, Neurosurgeon and Chief Medical Executive at Miami Neuroscience Institute discuss new brain-mapping tech and how high intensity focused ultrasound for image guided surgery will be a big advance for Baptist Health located in south Florida.
Meet the Chief: He Makes Cardiac Bypass Surgery Easier for Patients News

Meet the Chief: He Makes Cardiac Bypass Surgery Easier for Patients

As a kid, Joseph McGinn Jr., M.D., dreamed of becoming a rock star. “The problem is I don’t play an instrument and I can’t sing, so that wasn’t going to work for me,” he says.
Cerebral Aneurysms Podcast

Cerebral Aneurysms

Who is at risk, what causes a hemorrhage in the brain, and from a medical standpoint, what are the newest findings about cerebrovascular aneurysms? Join us as our experts discuss latest treatments, what to look out for and more on this episode of Baptist HealthTalk: Doc-to-Doc podcast.
Investigating Dramatic Radiation Dose Reduction For HPV-Related Head and Neck Cancers News

Investigating Dramatic Radiation Dose Reduction For HPV-Related Head and Neck Cancers

In continuing efforts to develop effective treatments with less impact on quality of life, Miami Cancer Institute is participating in a clinical trial to reduce by more than half the radiation dosage for head and neck cancers related to the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Anthony Miniaci, M.D., joins Baptist Health as the Deputy Chief Medical Executive of Baptist Health Orthopedic Care News

Anthony Miniaci, M.D., joins Baptist Health as the Deputy Chief Medical Executive of Baptist Health Orthopedic Care

Anthony Miniaci, M.D., a world-renown orthopedic surgeon, joins Baptist Health as the deputy chief medical executive of Baptist Health Orthopedic Care.

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