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Marc Gibber, M.D, is New Medical Director at Baptist Health Bethesda Hospital East News

Marc Gibber, M.D, is New Medical Director at Baptist Health Bethesda Hospital East

Board-certified cardiothoracic surgeon Marc Gibber, M.D., joins Baptist Health as the new medical director and chief of cardiothoracic surgery at Baptist Health Bethesda Hospital East.
When Your Patient Needs an Oral Medicine Evaluation News

When Your Patient Needs an Oral Medicine Evaluation

Whether your patient is being treated for cancer, has an autoimmune disease or an inflammatory condition that is causing an oral problem apart from the teeth and gums, they may benefit from an evaluation and treatment by an oral medicine specialist.
AFib, Episode 2: The Ablation Era Podcast

AFib, Episode 2: The Ablation Era

In the 2nd episode on atrial fibrillation with Dr. Steven Hoff and Dr. Mario Pascual, we are exploring surgical ablation, Endo/Epicardial Catheter approach for mapping and ablation of AF.
Neurologist G. Peter Gliebus, M.D., Joins Baptist Health News

Neurologist G. Peter Gliebus, M.D., Joins Baptist Health

G. Peter Gliebus, M.D., a board-certified neurologist with subspecialty certification in behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry, has joined Marcus Neuroscience Institute, part of Baptist Health, at Boca Raton Regional Hospital.
TMS: Making Waves with Treatment Resistant Depression Podcast

TMS: Making Waves with Treatment Resistant Depression

Join doctors Michael McDermott, M.D. and Rachel Rohaidy, M.D., as they discuss Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).
Miami Cancer Institute Leads First-in-World Brain Metastasis Trial News

Miami Cancer Institute Leads First-in-World Brain Metastasis Trial

Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute is leading a groundbreaking clinical trial that is studying the use of a new medication combined with stereotactic radiosurgery to combat metastatic brain cancer.
Miami Cancer Institute Publication Analyzes Role of Tissue-Agnostic Therapies for the Treatment of Primary Brain Tumors News

Miami Cancer Institute Publication Analyzes Role of Tissue-Agnostic Therapies for the Treatment of Primary Brain Tumors

Researchers from Miami Cancer Institute, part of Baptist Health South Florida, recently published a study in Trends in Cancer that analyzes the use of tissue-agnostic therapeutics in patients with primary brain tumors (PBTs). The publication describes the current and potential impact of tissue-agnostic therapies on the management of PBTs. As part of the publication, the researchers discuss data from clinical trials of tissue-agnostic targets for PBTs in the context of challenges in managing these tumors. They also describe additional tissue-agnostic targets that hold promise for benefiting patients with PBTs.
Miami Cancer Institute Precision Oncology Symposium, Second Annual News

Miami Cancer Institute Precision Oncology Symposium, Second Annual

Live Symposium Friday-Saturday, April 19-20, 2024 The Ritz-Carlton, Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida
Advanced Prostate Cancer: Genetic Testing an Invaluable Tool News

Advanced Prostate Cancer: Genetic Testing an Invaluable Tool

A study led by Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute shows that patients with TP53, RB1 and PTEN mutated prostate cancer have a lower overall survival rate than patients who are biomarker negative. The results emphasize the importance of genetic testing for all advanced cancer patients, the researchers say.
Meet the Chief: John Uribe, M.D., Drives Evolution of Orthopedic Care Video

Meet the Chief: John Uribe, M.D., Drives Evolution of Orthopedic Care

As head team physician for the Miami Dolphins and Florida Panthers and a lifelong athlete himself, John Uribe, M.D., admits he’s a bit of an adrenaline junkie. It’s a trait that has served him well in his storied career as an orthopedic surgeon with Baptist Health Orthopedic Care.
Cardiologist Lisa Weiss Forbess, M.D., Joins Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute News

Cardiologist Lisa Weiss Forbess, M.D., Joins Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute

Board-certified cardiologist Lisa Weiss Forbess, M.D., has joined Baptist Health Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute.
Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute First in U.S. to Offer New Robotic Technology for Liver Cancer News

Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute First in U.S. to Offer New Robotic Technology for Liver Cancer

In May of 2023, Govindarajan Narayanan, M.D., became the first physician to use the Epione robot in the U.S., performing an image-guided microwave ablation on a patient with a liver tumor.

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